Friday, November 13, 2015

Auditory Group Directions

Hi Auditory Group!

Since you learn best by listening, you will be watching some videos today about plate tectonics and the types of boundaries!  Be sure that your headphones are plugged in! First, click the links to watch the videos below.

Next, discuss and answer the following questions with your group.  Write all answers on the worksheet provided.  (Be sure to include all members names.)

  1. What creates a Convergent boundary?  What kinds of land features can Convergent boundaries create?
  2. What creates a Divergent boundary?  What kinds of land features can Divergent boundaries create?
  3. What creates a Transform boundary?  What kinds of land features can Transform boundaries create?
  4. Name something interesting you learned while doing the activity.

Now that you have watched the videos, here are some real images of some of the places you will be researching and finding on the Earth's surface!  Isn't Earth an amazing and beautiful place?  You may now get an iPad and worksheet to complete your independent research!

The San Andreas Fault
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge in Iceland

The Himalayan Mountains 

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